How I Get Myself Out of a Negative Mindset

If you’re anything like me – a human, you have emotionally tough days…a lot of ‘em! And just recently, I had a tough one.

I’ve worked on my self-confidence, and I better understand myself. For instance, I know that I can’t hold in my feelings. I can’t hold in or hide what drives me or go with the flow to avoid ruffling the feathers, going against the grain. I’ve tried doing that and in the end, it doesn’t end up well for me or for the other person. My ex-husband can attest to this. Ask him about the kevlar being thrown at his head. God and my bad aiming caused me to miss him.

With this last emotionally tough day, even after sharing what I was feeling and trying to articulate my reasoning behind my decision, I felt so bad, just terrible like I’d done something so wrong. Then I’d felt like I did a terrible job getting my point across. Then it got worst. I started beating myself up about other things beyond that moment. I even questioned my ability to write this blog, to share and attempt to help others who fall prey to this negative self-induced mental abuse. I was so emotionally drained that, instead of me tucking in my kids at bedtime, they tucked me in.

I hadn’t been that mentally off in quite some time. I was really in a bad spot. The next morning I woke up still feeling like I had been drinking heavily the night before, head spinning and feeling not just mentally drained, but physically as well.
It was time for the prayer before sunrise, and I mustered up the energy to prepare for it.

During prayer, I was reminded of something. I’m put here on this Earth to do good. The fact that I’m still here means I’m not finished yet. I bring a special uniqueness to this thing called life. What I bring to this world is unlike anything and anyone else. No one else is here like me to do and give back to this world in the way that I can.

Here are the steps I took to get myself out of that negative mindset:

  1. Prayed – connected with something greater than me,
  2. I had an “Attitude of Gratitude” – I thought about all the good that I have and what I’ve done,
  3. Connected with friends who truly have my best interest at heart,
  4. Talked to myself – I allowed for plenty of positive self-talk, and I disproved the negative things I’d told myself the day before, and last
  5. Reminded myself of my dreams and aspirations and took action to make them become more of a reality (the reason why you have something to read right now).

Life isn’t easy. It’s hard. It has a way of kicking you around. But if you’re reading this, that means He (meaning God) still has you, me, and all us here for a reason. And we’re worthy to be here.

If this blog post helped, share with a friend. We’ll both being doing some good.

What are some ways you get over your emotional tough days?

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